Learn Django by Demo

StartTime: 2017-03-31,ModifyTime:2017-04-02

You need to have installed apache, python, pip, django, mariadb and one text editor.

##Install Maridab And Django

pip install Django
cd Django-1.x.y
sudo python setup.py install

Processing dependencies for Django==1.x.y
Finished processing dependencies for Django==1.x.y
  1. test ``` django-admin.py startproject testdj cd testdj # 切换到我们创建的项目 $ python manage.py runserver

Output:…… Starting development server at Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

## Create a Database and Database User

dnf install python-pip python-dev mariadb-server libmariadbclient-dev libssl-dev sudo mysql_secure_installation mysql -u root -p

CREATE USER myprojectuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON myproject.* TO myprojectuser@localhost; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; exit ```


sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev 

Connect Django With Database

  1. Install the mysqlclient package that will allow us to use the database we configured:
    pip install django mysqlclient
  2. Start a Django project within our myproject directory. This will create a child directory of the same name to hold the code itself, and will create a management script within the current directory. Make sure to add the dot at the end of the command ``` django-admin.py startproject <font color=#E66466>myproject</font> .

3.Modfify the main Django project settings file

DATABASES = { ‘default’: { ‘ENGINE’: ‘django.db.backends.mysql’, ‘NAME’: ‘<font color=#E66466>myproject</font>’, ‘USER’: ‘<font color=#E66466>myprojectuser</font>’, ‘PASSWORD’: ‘<font color=#E66466>password</font>’, ‘HOST’: ‘localhost’, ‘PORT’: ‘’, } }

## Migrate the Database and Test your Project

cd ~/myproject python manage.py makemigrations python manage.py migrate python manage.py createsuperuser python manage.py runserver http://server_domain_or_IP:8000

5.Append /admin to the end of the URL and you should be able to access the login screen to the admin interface.

## Reference
[How To Use MySQL or MariaDB with your Django Application on Ubuntu 14.04]:https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-mysql-or-mariadb-with-your-django-application-on-ubuntu-14-04

## Error
Question1: ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

sudo mysql -uroot use mysql; update user set plugin=’’ where user=’root’; flush privileges; exit; ```
